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Questions and Answers
- 1.The Fire Guard Must First Activate The Fire Alarm Then Notify The Fire Dept?
- A.True
- B.False
- 2.In Torch Operations Which Color Hose Is For Acetylene?
- A.Green
- B.Black
- C.Purple
- D.Red
- 3.In Torch Operations Which Color Hose Is For Propane?
- A.Green
- B.Black
- C.Purple
- D.Red
- 4.In Torch Operations Which Color Hose Is For Oxygen?
- A.Green
- B.Black
- C.Purple
- D.Red
- 5.Pull Stations Must Be Painted What Color?
- A.Green
- B.Black
- C.Purple
- D.Red
- 6.Fire Guard Log Book Must be Kept For How Long?
- A.One Year
- B.Two Years
- C.Three Years
- D.Four Years
- E.Five Years
- 7.Pull Stations Must Be Tested?
- A.Weekly
- B.Monthly
- C.Yearly
- D.Daily
- 8.The Fire Triangle Includes?
- A.Fuel, Heat & Air
- B.Earth, Wind & Fire
- C.Oxygen, Fuel & Heat
- 9.Pull Stations Must Be Mounted Six Feet Up From The Floor?
- A.True
- B.False
- 10.In What Position Is The OS&Y Valve On The Right In?
- A.Open
- B.Closed
- C.Mid-Way
- 11.Which Sprinkler System Is Used In An Outdoor Parking Lot?
- A.Wet System
- B.Dry System
- C.Deluge System
- D.None Of The Above
- 12.You Must Have 6 Extra Sprinkler Heads And A Wrench On Property At All Times?
- A.True
- B.False
- 13.Which Pull Station Has A White Stripe Painted On It?
- A.Single Action
- B.Double Action
- C.Interior
- D.Exterior
- 14.There Must Be A Minimum Of Three Pull Stations Per Floor?
- A.True
- B.False
- 15.Self Closing Doors Must Be Propped Open?
- A.True
- B.False
- 16.Fires Involving Flammable Liquids Are A Class?
- A.Class A
- B.Class B
- C.Class C
- D.Class D
- E.Class K
- 17.An Exit Aisle Of How Many Feet Is Required In All Locations?
- A.5Ft
- B.7Ft
- C.3Ft
- D.9Ft
- 18.What Is The Maximum Distance Between Pull Stations?
- A.100Ft
- B.300Ft
- C.75Ft
- D.200FT
- 19.The FIre Safety Plan Should Not Be Posted By Phones Because Of False Alarms?
- A.True
- B.False
- 20.The OS&Y Valve Is Inspected How Often?
- A.Weekly
- B.Monthly
- C.Yearly
- D.Daily
- 21.All Emergency Exits Must Always Be Locked?
- A.True
- B.False
- 22.On What Class Of Fire Do You Use CO2 Extinguisher?
- A.Class A
- B.Class B
- C.Class C
- D.Class D
- E.Class K
- 23.Sprinkler Heads Can Withstand How Many Pounds Of Pressure (PSI)?
- A.16 PSI
- B.15 PSI
- C.200 PSI
- D.500 PSI
- E.None Of The Above
- 24.The Fire Safety Plan Must Be Approved By?
- A.Fire Safety Director
- B.Fire Guard
- C.Fire Dept
- D.Fire Safety Coordinator
- 25.The Fire Safety Plan Should Not Be Posted At The Front Desk?
- A.True
- B.False
- 26.What Diameter Size Circle On The Floor DO Sprinkler Head Make Using Water?
- A.9 Ft
- B.7 Ft
- C.12 Ft
- D.16 Ft
- E.20 Ft
- 27.If A Building Is Issued A Summons For Lack Of Fire Guards, How Long Do They Have To Correct It?
- A.24 Hours
- B.48 Hours
- C.72 Hours
- D.84 Hours
- 28.What Is The Fire Guards Area Of Responsibility?
- A.220 Ft
- B.5 Ft
- C.75 Ft
- D.150 Ft
- E.None Of The Above
- 29.Fire Guards Must Patrol How Often?
- A.Every Hour
- B.Every Two Hours
- C.Every Four Hours
- D.Every Eight Hours
- 30.The three types of pull stations are single action, double action, and interior?
- A.True
- B.False
- 31.How often is a Hydrostatic test done on a extinguisher?
- A.Weekly
- B.Monthly
- C.Yearly
- D.Every Two Years
- 32.In Torch Operation which color hose is for Propane?
- A.Green
- B.Black
- C.Purple
- D.Red
- 33.All emergency exits must always be locked?
- A.True
- B.False
- 34.In Torch Operation which color hose is for oxygen?
- A.Green
- B.Black
- C.Purple
- D.Red
- 35.You must have six extra sprinkler heads and a wrench an property at all times?
- A.True
- B.False
- 36.Fire Safety Plan must be approved by?
- A.Fire Safety Director
- B.Fire Guard
- C.Fire Department
- D.Fire Safety Coordinator
- 37.If a building's issued a summons for lack of fire guards, how long do they have to correct it?
- A.24 hours
- B.48 hours
- C.72 hours
- D.84 hours
- 38.Fire Guards for a construction site must be on duty 24 hours a day?
- A.True
- B.False
- 39.During a fire the first and last floors are the first to be evacuated?
- A.True
- B.False
- 40.How many Fire Guards are required for a building 375 ft in height?
- A.2 Guards
- B.3 Guards
- C.4 Guards
- D.5 Guards
- 41.Smoke detector are tested once every?
- A.Day
- B.Week
- C.Six Months
- D.Year
- 42.The Fire Saftey Plan should not be posted at the front desk?
- A.True
- B.False
- 43.What is the Fire Guards area of responsibility?
- A.220 ft
- B.5 ft
- C.75 ft
- D.150 ft
- E.None of the above
- 44.What diameter size circle on the floor do sprinkler head make using water?
- A.9 ft
- B.7 ft
- C.12 ft
- D.16 ft
- E.20 ft
- 45.Cycling Sprinkler Heads activate at what temperture?
- A.150 degrees
- B.130 degrees
- C.100 degrees
- D.165 degrees
- 46.Sprinkler heads can withstand how many pounds of pressure (PSI)?
- A.16 PSI
- B.15 PSI
- C.200 PSI
- D.500 PSI
- E.None of the above
- 47.The OS&Y valve is inspected how often?
- A.Weekly
- B.Monthly
- C.Yearly
- D.Daily
- 48.Fire Guards must patrol how often?
- A.Every Hour
- B.Every Two Hours
- C.Every Four Hours
- D.Every Eight Hours
- 49.The Fire Guard must first activate the fire alarm then notify the Fire Department?
- A.True
- B.False
- 50.When an exterior pull station is used, the Fire Guard must wait in the lobby?
- A.True
- B.False
- 51.The Fire Safety Plan should not be posted by phones because of fals alarms?
- A.True
- B.False
- 52.Pull stations must be mounted six feet up from the floor?
- A.True
- B.False
- 53.In what position is the OS&Y valve if the stem is fully extended?
- A.Open
- B.Closed
- C.Mid-way
- 54.
- A.Wet System
- B.Dry System
- C.Deluge System
- D.None of the above
- 55.With which extinguisher can you stand 15 ft away from the fire?
- A.Class A
- B.Class B
- C.Class C
- D.Class D
- E.Class K
- 56.If the needle in an extinguisher's guage is pointing to the green area, that means?
- A.Ready to use
- B.Over-charged
- C.Discharged
- D.None of the above
- 57.There is no such thing as a multi-purpose fire extinguisher?
- A.True
- B.False
- 58.The fire triangle include?
- A.Fuel, heat and air
- B.Earth, wind and fire
- C.Oxygen, fuel and heat
- 59.Fires involving wood, paper or cloth equipment are a class?
- A.Class A
- B.Class B
- C.Class C
- D.Class D
- E.Class K
- 60.An exit aisle of how many feet is required in all locations?
- A.5 ft
- B.7 ft
- C.3 ft
- D.9 ft
- 61.Self closing doors must be proped open?
- A.True
- B.False
- 62.Pull stations must be tested?
- A.Weekly
- B.Monthly
- C.Yearly
- D.Daily
- 63.Fires involving combustable metals are a class?
- A.Class A
- B.Class B
- C.Class C
- D.Class D
- E.Class K
- 64.Fires involving flammable liquids are a class?
- A.Class A
- B.Class B
- C.Class C
- D.Class D
- E.Class K
- 65.Fires involving electrical equipment are a class?
- A.Class A
- B.Class B
- C.Class C
- D.Class D
- E.Class K
- 66.Which pull station has a white stripe painted on it?
- A.Single Action
- B.Double Action
- C.Interior
- D.Exterior
- 67.Fire Guard logbook must be kept for how long?
- A.One Year
- B.Two Years
- C.Three Years
- D.Four Years
- E.Five Years
- 68.Extinguishers must be recharged after each time they are used?
- A.True
- B.False
- 69.Minimum safe distance for a fire is?
- A.100 ft
- B.200 ft
- C.400 ft
- D.300 ft
- 70.Which is used to shut off the fire alarm?
- A.Pull Station
- B.Roof Manifold
- C.Control Panel
- D.None of the above
- 71.What is the maximum distance between pull stations?
- A.100 ft
- B.300 ft
- C.75 ft
- D.200 ft
- 72.In Torch Operation which color hose is for Acetylene?
- A.Green
- B.Black
- C.Purple
- D.Red
- 73.There must be a minimum of three pull stations per floor?
- A.True
- B.False
- 74.On what class of fire do you use a CO2 Extinguisher?
- A.Class A
- B.Class B
- C.Class C
- D.Class D
- E.Class K
- 75.Pull Stations must be painted what color?
- A.Green
- B.Black
- C.Purple
- D.Red
- 76.The Fire Guard Must First Activate The Fire Alarm Then Notify The Fire Dept?
- A.True
- B.
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