Phonetic Alphabet
The Phonetic Alphabet is used to make the spelling of words more clear. Some letters are easily confused especially if there is background noise, a poor connection or if the speaker has a strong accent. It is hard to hear the difference between B, D and P but very easy to hear the difference between Bravo, Delta and Papa. This alphabet is used by NATO. It is also used in international aviation and in security and law enforcement work.
A Alfa (AL fah)
B Bravo (BRAH VOH)
C Charlie (CHAR lee)
D Delta (DELL tah) (keh BECK)
E Echo (ECK oh)
F Foxtrot (FOKS trot)
G Golf (GOLF)
H Hotel (hoh TELL)
I India (IN dee ah)
J Juliett (JEW lee ETT)
K Kilo (KEY loh)
L Lima (LEE mah)
M Mike (MIKE)
N November (no VEM ber)
O Oscar (OSS car)
P Papa (pah pah)
Q Quebec
R Romeo (ROW me oh)
S Sierra (see AIR rah)
T Tango (TANG go)
U Uniform (YOU ne form)
V Victor (VIC tor)
W Whiskey (WISS kley)
X X-ray (ECKS ray)
Y Yankee (YANG key)
Z Zulu (ZOO loo)
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