CTQ-Critical to Quality
CTQs are the internal critical quality parameters that relate to the wants and needs of the customer.
CTQ is a simple, yet powerful tool that translates customer needs into a Meaningful, Measurable, and Actionable metrics for people or group of people.
How to identify CTQ parameters?
It is a step-by- step process to identify CTQs for critical customer requirements. Notice the order of the events that help to identify QTCs. Here the process is broken down into seven steps:
- VoC Six Sigma: It has been noted in the words of the customer
- CTQ Name: It has been noted in the words of the organization
- CTQ Measure: As identified by the organization
- CTQ Specification: As specified by the organization
- Defect: As defined by the organization
- Unit: It is an organizational / a process metric
- Opportunity: As determined by the company/process
1-How to develop a CTQ Tree?
Identify critical customer needs
We first need to identify the critical needs that the product or service has to meet. Please make sure to do a CTQ Tree for every need that you identify. During this first step, we’re essentially asking: ‘What is critical for this product or service?‘ It’s best to define these needs in broad terms. If it is not possible to directly ask customers about their needs, then the project team can brainstorm their needs with people who deal with customers directly – Sales people and Customer Service Representatives – as well as with your team.
Identify quality drivers
It is important to identify the specific quality drivers that have to be in place to meet the needs that we identified in the previous step. Please remember, these are the factors that must be present for customers to think that you are delivering a high-quality product. Note that it is very much necessary that we identify all of the drivers that are important to the customers.
Identify performance requirements
Finally, we need to identify the minimum performance requirements that we must satisfy for each quality driver, in order to actually provide a quality product. Here it’s important to remember that there are many things that will affect organization’s ability to deliver these.
Once we’ve completed a CTQ Tree for each critical need, we’ll have a list of measurable requirements that we must meet to deliver a high-quality product.

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